
View details of our attendance procedures.


A copy of our Attendance Policy can be seen in the link below: 

Every moment counts

We want our pupils to benefit from the highest quality education to enable them to excel. We know that pupils who attend well have the best chances of success academically and socially. They are more likely to achieve well in examinations and assessments and more likely to form secure and lasting friendships.

This can only be achieved it pupils are in school regularly, and on time.

We have a meticulously planned curriculum which sets out exactly what pupils should be taught at every stage of the year. When pupils are absent, they risk developing large gaps in their learning.

Excellent attendance is everyone’s business and improving attendance is in everyone’s interests. We aim to secure good attendance by building strong relationships with pupils, parents and carers so that we can support them to reduce any barriers to school attendance.

Why attendance matters 

We know that pupils who are frequently absent from school fall behind. We have a meticulously planned curriculum which sets out exactly what pupils should be taught at every stage of the year. When pupils are absent, they risk developing large gaps in their learning. This negatively impacts on their progress. Absence can also affect their social interactions with their peers and may impact upon their friendships. 

All pupils are expected to attend school every day that the school is open and for the full day. Our ideal is for our pupils to have the highest possible attendance to get the most from school so that they are well prepared for their next steps in education, training or employment. 

Our Trust and school target for pupils’ attendance is 97%.


If a child is unable to attend school, then parents/carers should inform the school by telephone (Tel: 0191 4334053) and leave a message on the school’s answerphone, alternatively, you can email This contact should be made before 9.30 am. Where a pupil is persistently absent, we may advise the parent/carer that absence should be reported to a particular member of staff so that appropriate support can be swiftly put into place. Where this is the case, parents will be informed as part of an agreed plan to reduce absence. 

All pupils will be identified as absent once the registers have closed. If we have not received a reason for a pupil’s absence, we will initiate our first day calling procedures. 

Contact will be made with the main contact listed for the pupil to establish the reason the pupil is not in school. If no contact is established and we have not received a suitable reason for the pupil’s absence, we will contact all individuals listed as emergency contacts. If school is unable to make contact by telephone, then a home visit may be conducted to establish the welfare of the pupil. 

These procedures will continue to take place for each subsequent day of absence where the school has not been informed of the reasons why the pupil is absent from school. 

Requesting leave of absence 

Any leave of absence during term time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. It can only be authorised by the headteacher. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for leave of absence must be made in advance and submitted to the headteacher using the ‘Request for leave of absence’ form. If term time absence is not granted, taking a pupil out of school will be recorded as any unauthorised absence. This may result in a referral to the local authority and the absence could incur sanctions from the local authority such as a fixed penalty notice or fine. Except in exceptional circumstances, the school will not authorise any application for leave during term time in the following cases: 

  • At any time in September. This is a vital period for all pupils to settle into new classes and routines. 
  • During assessment and examination periods in the school’s calendar which affect your child e.g. SATs 
  • When a pupil’s attendance for the academic year already includes any level of unauthorised absence. 
  • Where a period of leave of absence has already been granted earlier in the academic year.  

The chart below illustrates our process for monitoring attendance. Please refer to our attendance policy for further information.  

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